Mannlicher styer m1886
The m1886 was a straight pull bolt rifle designed by Ferdinand mannlicher it was the first rifle to use a clip of contained rounds pushed into the magazine, this was a revolutionary advanced weapon in 1886 , it would go on to become the m1888/90 then the 1895 well known for being used in two world wars , this m1886 is a rare one as it has the letter k at the end of its serial number , most found today will have two ii at the end indicating export version , k is a rarer serial , this has chillie markings on the butt stock but was most likely never delivered as the war would end before the rifles could arrive , during ww1 a lot of these m1886 would be used due to severe losses of men and weapons by the Austro Hungarians , this m1886 has been lightly restored it is obsolete calibre firearm has a good bore and functions perfectly it does not require a firearms license
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